all postcodes in YO62 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO62 5AA 29 0 54.244589 -1.05835
YO62 5AB 25 12 54.245684 -1.061989
YO62 5AD 31 11 54.246596 -1.063308
YO62 5AE 17 0 54.248158 -1.065344
YO62 5AF 8 0 54.24787 -1.065259
YO62 5AG 25 4 54.248158 -1.064573
YO62 5AH 7 6 54.244968 -1.067039
YO62 5AJ 6 0 54.248047 -1.062676
YO62 5AL 8 0 54.249097 -1.061271
YO62 5AN 15 0 54.247877 -1.060393
YO62 5AP 12 0 54.248968 -1.059647
YO62 5AQ 6 0 54.247601 -1.062329
YO62 5AS 6 0 54.248832 -1.064163
YO62 5AT 5 1 54.246759 -1.064578
YO62 5AU 3 0 54.246174 -1.063256
YO62 5AW 36 0 54.249534 -1.060786
YO62 5AX 12 0 54.247987 -1.059485
YO62 5AY 3 0 54.244083 -1.057963
YO62 5AZ 23 0 54.247124 -1.065229
YO62 5BA 24 0 54.246934 -1.057023